
Monday, March 21, 2011

Day 10-11-12

Ok, so blogging everyday might be overrated. I might be saying that because I'm having a hard time keeping up. None the less, I shall keep forging ahead. Today will be three posts.

Starting with Day 11. Why? You ask. It's my blog and I want to. Neener-neener.

I am a TV girl. I love my TV and watch copious amounts. Well, I used to.  The good ol' telly had been a great way of escaping for me. The day to day stresses would get lost as I would delve into the ridiculous arguments on The View, or as I'd dance around with baby attached to my hip as Ellen would make her way around her audience movin' her thang to a catchy beat. Oh how I could laugh at those silly sit-coms, Friends, Seinfeld, and That 70's Show. I would easily solve everyone's problems right along with Dr. Phil. Don't forget the drama of Law and Order: SVU. My Olivia's name came from Mariska Hargitay's heroine character; Detective Olivia Benson. I realized a few years ago that my television consumption was a bit much, just in time for DVR. This handy device made it easier to choose which shows to watch while also allowing me to make sure to put my family first. If I didn't get have time to watch a show, I'd just delete it.

Now we don't have cable or satellite service. After paying far too much for cable for a couple of months we decided to invest our time and money in other things. Don't get me wrong, I still have a love for TV, probably will always like that mini-vacay from life. Now we turn to Netflix and Hulu. The great part about these services is the constant noise of the TV on in the background is gone. If it's time to watch TV we turn it on and choose one show, when it's over we turn it off. I have to admit, there was a teeny-tiny moment of panic when we did make that choice. Now, I am so happy we did. Because our means of receiving shows has changed, so has the availability of some of my old favs.  Here is the revised list of most watched shows.

Lie to Me- This show could be my favorite of all time
Kitchen Nightmares- A show Phillip turned me on to. It's a great one if you're in the mood to watch someone get torn apart and then put back together in a matter of 45 minutes.
The Office- Another classic, but Phillips not quite sold...yet.

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