
Monday, March 21, 2011

Day 12-ish

I never leave the house husband.
No really, this is pretty much true. We are always together. Because he lost his job at the beginning of February he has joined me in stay-at-home parenthood. I hate to admit it but he's better at it than I am and I'm not sure how things are going to flow without him. He's always keeping me on track and between the two of us life is organized and runs smoothly. I love my time with him and know it won't last forever, he'll return to work soon enough and I'll be flying solo. Although, solo, isn't exactly fair because he's always been really supportive of me staying home with the kids. He understands how important it is for the kids to have their mommy available. And now he knows it takes two of us full-time to do my job. Maybe I'll get lots of presents after he ditches me for a paying job. A girl can dream, right?
When the day does come that I can't leave the house everyday with my husband, I suppose the thing I'll have to replace him with is my iPod touch. She's my little miracle that does everything but make a phone call.

1 comment:

  1. I think that's neat that you two love being together and spending time together! It's important :)
    You're lucky to have a husband who supports you in staying at home. It's such a sacrifice in this economy today but so worth it! I keep telling myself that.
    Well you always have a fellow SAHM to hang out with or chat to or go out to lunch or whatever!
    Enjoy this honeymoon stage!
